$47.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

SPECIAL OFFER: Complete your purchase by adding a bundle of 3 one-on-one coaching sessions to your order for $699!

Private one-on-one coaching is a powerful tool for getting tailored advice and guidance for your organization's unique mission and circumstances.

Here are some examples of questions you can get coaching on in the one-on-one sessions:

  • Exactly how to structure your board to align with your organization's mission
  • Get clarity on if you should be running a capital campaign and how to gear up for one
  • Conversations with potential donor's are stalling and you don't know how to get them back on board
  • You're new to fundraising and have no idea where to start...
  • And any other fundraising question you might have

Come and get privately coached for a fraction of the price. My private clients pay me a minimum of $4,500 to coach them. Let me help you get unstuck and answer all your burning fundraising questions so you can have a greater impact on the people that you serve.

Coaching sessions are virtual on Zoom and you get the recording.

Donor Pulse Monthly Membership

Get access to the new Donor Pulse Membership including:

  • Monthly Video Training: Gain access to one video training per month, provided by Mark Duncan. Each training is a deep dive into crucial aspects of donor relations, including strategies to approach wealthy donors, effective communication techniques, and managing objections.

  • Interactive Discussions: Engage in dynamic discussions with like-minded nonprofit leaders who share your goals and challenges. Collaborate, ask questions, and share your experiences within our supportive and inspiring community.

  • Resource Library: Access a treasure trove of resources, templates, and guides to help you craft compelling proposals, handle objections gracefully, and make every donor interaction a success.

  • Live Q&A Sessions: Participate in live monthly Q&A sessions with Mark Duncan, The Fund Coach, where you can get personalized advice and solutions tailored to your specific situation.

Donor Pulse is a month-to-month subscription.